If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, immediately self-isolate and contact your medical provider or if you are a student contact the Gordon Health Center. Please do not attend class, work or other campus activities.

The Gordon Health Center can be reached at 919.516.4142. If you are an employee, please notify the Office of Human Resources and your supervisor.

Employees are required to utilize sick, vacation, or medical leave (without pay) for absences due to COVID-19. Employees that are enrolled in University’s short-term disability benefits can contact the benefit provider to determine coverage.


If a member of the 分 community tests positive for COVID-19, they are required to isolate for 5 days and monitor for symptoms at home or in a designated isolation location on 分’s campus.


If a member of the 分 community is determined to be in close contact with an individual (on or off campus) who tested positive for COVID-19, they are required to quarantine for 3 days with a negative test result or 5 days without testing if there are no symptoms. Quarantine will occur at home or in a designated quarantine location on 分’s campus.

Both isolation and quarantine mean staying physically apart from others to prevent the spread of infection. The Wake County Health Department sets the amount of time recommended for quarantine for students, faculty and staff.

Employees are required to utilize sick, vacation, or medical leave (without pay) for absences due to COVID-19. Employees that are enrolled in University’s short-term disability benefits can contact the benefit provider to determine coverage.

Quarantine and Isolation Locations

分 Residential Life maintains the latest housing updates for quarantine and isolation.

Off-Campus Students

Students living in off-campus locations will isolate or quarantine in their existing living space.

Quarantine and Isolation Duration

The Wake County Health Department and public health officials set the amount of time recommended for isolation and quarantine for students, faculty and staff.

Wellness Strategies for Students in Quarantine or Isolation

Staying Well During Quarantine or Isolation

We know that being away from friends and activities is challenging. Maintaining your overall personal well-being while you are isolating or quarantining on campus is important and there are many resources available to help. The Gordon Health Center is here to support you.

Students who are asked to isolate or quarantine (whether on- or off-campus) will be immediately contacted by the Gordon Health Center.  Gordon Health Center will regularly communicate with students and assist in coordinating testing, contact tracing and other services as needed.

Student Affairs staff will provide additional assistance to all students in quarantine and isolation including outreach, engagement opportunities and academic support.

Residence hall rooms (and associated meal delivery) have been reserved to support on-campus students requiring quarantine or isolation.